Thursday, May 7, 2009

Drugs- To Legalize or Not.

Drugs- To Legalize or Not.
I agree with the author of the article that drugs that are now illegal in the US should be legalized and that. If that happened, the demand that’s so high would be a lot less, especially from other countries. I believe that for some people who indulge in drugs, part of their attraction to those drugs is the sheer fact that the drugs are illegal and it’s an adrenaline rush for them just knowing they can get caught. Legalization of drugs would eliminate at least that aspect of appeal right there. Also, as stated in the article, if we decriminalized not only marijuana, but also others such as cocaine, heroin, and amphetamines, people who are addicted to those drugs are not only more likely, but even more encouraged to get help for their addictions in rehabilitation centers because they wouldn’t be afraid of getting exposed, caught, and put into jail for illegal drug possession. The article states that Portugal legalized drugs in 2001 and has been largely successful, and has even lowered the amount of drug users in the country.
Keeping drugs illegal doesn’t work now and it still won’t work in the future because as long as drugs are going to exist, people will be attracted to them, just like how prohibition didn’t work for alcohol; it only encouraged people to steal and be sneaky about drinking. In addition, the legalization of drugs in the US “would puncture the market for imports from Mexico and elsewhere and would eliminate much of the profit that fuels the internecine warfare in Mexico,” making the countries involved not more dangerous, but rather more safe.

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